Cube 3D printer discussion > Cube 3D printer discussion

Upload .stl file


Hi all,

I am in the process of setting up to print for the first time with the latest version Cube 3D printer (third gen?) (dual filament spools).  The problem is that the Cube does not recognize the .stl file of my part.  I am trying to upload it via the USB port on the printer.  The only file that shows up is the 3D welcome image that is used for the default "first printout" job.  The .stl was created with Geomagic Design CAD software.

I've tried to upload the file to the Cubify site and print from there via a wireless connection.  The file was accepted and resides on the Cubify site where I can see it but no print options.

I'll call their CS on Monday but thought to put the issue out there to see if I'm just missing something very simple.


Hi Jeff,

If the Cube 3 is the same as all the other Cubes, you need to "build" or export a .cube file from the cubify software. 

I could be wrong, but certainly my cube wont read anything but .cube



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